About Micro Update


Jonathan Camp Photo - MD Micro UpdateMicro Update focuses on most aspects of web design, search engine optmisation, software development and mobile applications. We’re also starting to create video tutorials – so watch this space. This blog relates to anything that interests me and my business – Micro Update Ltd.

I regularly publish photos on Flickr and have started creating some YouTube videos. I’m a member of ecademy (business networking), LinkedIn, facebook, twitter, FriendFeed plus the usual million other social networking sites; this blog contains my musings, the business stuff is located on the Micro Update website – including some great offers on web design and mobile application development services.

I’ve also started to look at some new technologies such as the Semantic Web (perhaps web 3.0?) plus geotagging. These are some key technologies that I feel will be very important in the near future – who can tell. This blog is an eclectic mix of postings, and it’s supposed to be that way. It reflects the way I think and the ideas I have at the time. My Delicious feed tries to capture my day to day thoughts as I find them at work and home, many of the links relate to what I happen to be working on at the time.

The web gives us interesting times, certainly there is a lot of time wasted and spent surfing looking for ‘stuff’ – sometimes we get lucky and actually find content from the originators; I like to be an originator if I can.

You can always contact me at jc (at) microupdate.co.uk

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