Google – Local SEO top tips


Local SEO

Here’s quick list of factors that will help your business rank as a “Local Business” with Google. These are all important points that will help you rank at the top with Google local searches.

Quick Tips on Using Keywords – Be seen on Page One of Google


quick tips using keywords to rank well in google and bing

How do you find Relevant Keywords for your website. This article explains how to quickly find relevant keywords to add to your site for SEO.

Find out who is linking to your website


human search techniques

This article explains how to work out who is linking to your website.

Solid SEO Advice That Ranks You Higher In Search Engine Results


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Solid SEO Advice That Ranks You Higher In Search Engine Results

How to predict the TRAFFIC/HITS you will get to your website


How to predict website traffic to your site

Once you have a website and are ranked within Google it’s important to asses the amount of traffic you may get. This article explains how to estimate the amount of traffic you will get to your website

Using Google Calendar with Microsoft Outlook 2010


Post from Google support for integrating Google Calendar with Microsoft Outlook 2010 There has been a lot of interest in when a version of Google Calendar Sync would be released that supports Outlook 2010. As some of you have already noticed @salocorgan 🙂, we’re happy (Google that is…) to announce that support for Outlook 2010 […]

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Get yourself into the search engines – FREE xml-sitemap generator

By is an interesting web site, it not only has cheap software to let you create unlimited sitemaps for the search engines, but it also has a free online version that will index up to 500 pages. The xml-sitemap online software will take care of all the xml formatting required by Google and Yahoo to […]

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Embed Google Docs document within your web page


One way of showing a formatted document on your web page is to embed a Google Document as an iFrame within your pageThe iFrame would then contain the document you wanted to view, including the ability to scroll the pages and print, etc. this is a good way to show the final document to your […]

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Google Keyword Marketing


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  Various sites to help with SEO keyword marketing Various Google websites and links that will help you research SEO Keyword marketing.

Web Marketing Links


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Some links I use to track and get interesting marketing information.

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